On Christmas Eve, the kids got to open presents from each other. Ally had to clean her room and do all of her chores before this could happen... So, before 8:00 EVERYTHING was done... only she had to wait for Devin to wake up and he decided to sleep until 10:00 am.
It was a warm day here... (he he he to all of you snowed in)...
My mom makes matching pajamas for all 8 of her grandchildren every year... even when the oldest is almost 15... but Cameron is a good sport! Here are my cuties in their matching pj's:
Ally didn't wake up until 8:30 on Christmas morning (must have been because she couldn't fall asleep until after 11 the night before).
Devin woke up about 10 am and he got to open his presents after everyone else... there was no way his big sister could have waited!
Ally got exactly what she asked Santa for, a Nintendo DS. Now I just have to figure how to keep her off of it...
We had a great Christmas! We hope all of you feel as blessed as we do!