Have I ever mentioned what a handful this kid is?
Yesterday ended with another call to Poison Control. He decided to play with a bottle of acrylic nail glue... I'm still not sure how he got it... He was trying to twist the lid off with his mouth (I assume) and ended up with a mouthful he spat out. I freaked out, washed his face and called poison control. They told me to give him a couple of ounces of water to drink, watch him and they would call back in an hour. I gave him water, a bath, and tried to brush his teeth. He is a kid that LOVES to brush his teeth and begs to do it several times a day... and has temper tantrums when we make him stop. He refused to brush his teeth last night, but that was the only thing that was different. They said it could have irritated his gums... but luckily, that was it and he is still my crazy Devin.
Today marked another milestone. He went to nursery at church for the first time alone... well, sort of. We took him in and he was so happy and having fun that we left him. He was happy for maybe 5 minutes and then started screaming for me. I sat at the door, almost crying myself, with Alex holding me back from running right back in. I only lasted about 5 minutes of him crying for me before I went back in. He refused to let me out of touch for the rest of the time. Then they started playing with toys, he was doing so good for about 10 minutes and I decided to try again. This time he lasted about 15 minutes of being happy until he realized I was gone. During this time I watched him through the small windows in the doors. He kept climbing on the tables and somehow ended up on a windowsill... they may need a nursery leader especially assigned to him. He cried for about 10 minutes before it was time to go home and I picked him up.
We took him to the doctor's on the 5th of this month for a check up. He weighs 22 lbs and is 32 1/2 inches long. He got a couple of shots too. :o(
So, as you can probably tell there is never a dull moment with this kid around. He is exhausting, a trouble maker, a climber, a pain... and the sweetest, funniest little boy in the world! How is it possible to be so madly in love with someone that is going to give me a heart attack before my next birthday?