The day finally came... no matter how much she has been dreading it. All she could say after Back-to-School Night was "I liked PDS better". (PDS being her old school in AZ). She has been extremely nervous and upset these past few days. I worked really hard with her trying to be positive, picking out her clothes and accessories with her... but it all came down to her. After putting her to sleep last night, I laid in bed with tears slipping down my cheeks... how can I make it better? Can I go to school with her, hold her hand as she walks in the door by herself, knowing no one. Can I make sure she introduces herself to all the girls in her class and finds a friend? Can I go with her to recess and play with her on the slides if she has no one? Can I sit by her at lunch to make sure she doesn't sit alone... Sadly, no. This is one time I can't go with her. My brave, (not-so) little 7 year old has to do it herself.
She didn't cry when I dropped her off, as I was afraid she would. The bell rang and she bravely walked in the school to find a spot in a desk. She has the courage of a lion, and I was wrong to worry and doubt her. I know she can do this. She is an amazing, beautiful young lady that can conquer anything she puts her mind to. I am so proud of this blessing that I have been given in the form of a courageous little girl.
*** I just have to come back to add that when I picked Ally up from school she ran into my hug and said, "That was the best day of school EVER!" :o) ***
yay for the best day ever!
Glad she had a good day.
She is a cutie. She looks just like you.
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