I just wanted to get down everything he is doing at this stage. He has really been advanced in his motor skills, but in the last month he has taken off in cognitive...
He is saying
Uh Oh (his favorite)
Uh Oh Getti - as in "Uh oh, spagetti o's" SO CUTE!!!
Doggy - and when you ask him, "What does a doggy say?" he responds "woof woof"
Moo - and he knows it is what a cow says
Quack Quack - and he knows it is what a duck says
Ba ba (bottle)
Wa wa (water)
Cu cu (we tell him things he shouldn't put in his mouth are cuca)
He thinks he is saying grandpa, and will look right at my dad and say it but it sounds a lot like cracker. LOL!
Uh uh (he shakes his head "no" but says "uh uh")
Geegee - for some reason this means Ally, but who knows why???
I think that is about it. He is an absolute terror, but SO much fun!!!
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