We only live a block from Ally's school so everyday after school Devin and I walk down to meet her. Devin will hold my hand the whole way, until he see's Ally (or "Gee Gee," as he calls her) and then he is off running as fast as his short, little legs will carry him. She will start running and calling for him as soon as she sees him as well. Then they clash in a huge embrace and then Ally will take his hand and they will walk back to me, hand-in-hand. It is one of the highlights of my day.
Today, Devin came back with something in his hand, eating it... this kid will eat ANYTHING so I am a little freaked at the smooshy brown thing he has smeared in his hand, eating... turns out Ally had saved half of her cookie for him she got at school, from another student's birthday. Now THAT is love!
I love watching how much they love each other, and it makes my heart melt!
You have some sweet kiddos Miss Tammy!
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