First of all I locked my keys in the car when getting new books for Ally at the library... maybe not unlucky just stupidity! I haven't done that in over a decade! Rrrrrr!!!
Then the very worst part of the day happened at 11:59 pm... I kid you not. It just HAD to happen on St. patrick's Day to mock me. Devin threw up ALL over me... I may NEVER eat spaghetti again (as that is what we had for dinner). The poor little guy was sick all night with a horrible fever, that I couldn't get down... as he couldn't keep any medicine down. I only got a few hours of broken sleep. He has been napping for 2 hours now, and if I was smart, I would be too. But as I am not smart...
Anyway, so those were the low parts of our holiday. But I guess I feel lucky for a few diferent reasons. First of all for Randilyn, who rescued me with car keys... second, that Devin hasn't thrown up for 6 hours now and his fever has been gone for 4hours... and mostly because of this:
and this...
So, who says St. Patrick's Day is lucky? ME!!!!!
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