See the capitol building in this picture? Between us and the capitol is a huge ravine, canyon, whatever you want to call it. The down was easy, it was the hike back up that was a little tough.
At the bottom of the canyon is Memorial Grove and this is where these pics were taken. We had a a lot fun talking to Ally about the different wars and the veterans. But by far the kids favorite part was watching some people throwing a ball into the pond for their dogs to chase.
The we hiked up the other side to the State Capitol Building, just because Ally wanted to. It was so much fun to talk to her about it and see what she has really learned in school. As in she knew that Utah was number 45 out of 50 states, could identify Pres. Lincoln in a statue, knew about the Senate but not the House of Representatives... We were able to teach her a bunch of stuff and it was fun.
(see Devin? he's on Alex's back)
After our excursion we went to my parent's house for the Annual Back to School Party. It was so much fun! Have you ever seen Minute to Win It? Well, I never had, but you have to do a bunch of crazy stuff to win. My mom made up a really fun game and had all of us doing crazy stuff. The kids thought it was the best thing ever!
This is Alex trying to blow off all the white ping pong balls but leave the three orange ones.
I wanted more pictures, but after that I could only chase Devin and try and keep him from being a big obstacle in all the games.
Sunday was not so fun... It's amazing that my family has not been sick the ENTIRE summer... but send Ally to school for 4 days and of course she gets a cold. I cringe thinking of the germs. Oy!!!
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