Thursday, December 13, 2012

6 on 12-12-12

Aja is now 6 months old!

She is not crawling and she can only sit by herself for short periods of time.

She LOVES food. If you eat in front of her you better believe she is going to get upset if you aren't willing to share.

She still sleeps 10-12 hour stretches every night.

She is undeniably attached to me... so much so that if she is with someone else and she sees me she will start hollering for me to come get her.

She gets the most excited to see Devin. The biggest smile will come across her face when he walks in the room, and he will get the most giggles from her for doing absolutely nothing.

She is the happiest and easiest baby I have ever met! Her squeals of delight and big smile every morning is one of the perfect reminders of why I get myself up every morning.

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