Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Aja is Four (and a half) Months

Today, Aja had her 4 month appointment and got her 4 month shots. She may be the third child but it still breaks my heart when they have to get shots.

She weighs 13.5 lbs and is 25 inches long... just like the other two, tall and skinny.
She is still wearing size 0-3 Months in clothes, and is in size 1 diapers... but after this last pack I will move her up into 2's... not because the 1's don't fit her, but because I have a whole bunch of size 2's and I don't want to buy any more 1's.

She still can not roll over or sit unassisted, but she is always full of smiles and my favorite thing is; she has learned to laugh this past month. My kids love to do whatever they can to make her giggle... okay and me too! I love that sound!

We let her try cereal this past week.

She was definitely not a fan!!!

Luckily, Devin thought she was hilarious spitting it back out and laughed at her... any time he is willing to pay attention to her, makes her day!

About 6 weeks ago she was diagonosed with pretty severe reflux and given meds for it. She isn't your typical reflux baby though, most of them cry all the time and are always in pain. She is extrememly mellow and happy, which I like to think means she is not pain. She spits up multiple times after every meal. The worst part is she constantly spits up in her sleep, which wakes her up because let's face it, who wants to sleep in a pile of vomit? Luckily it doesn't effect her sleeping at night (she still sleeps 10-12 hours straight every night! YAY!!!) but every single nap during the day is usually shortened because of it. She takes it all in stride and while the meds have helped a little, she still struggles all the time with it. The hardest part is that cute long hair! It would be so much easier to clean her up after a nap if she was bald... of course a 4-month-old with a pony tail on top of her head is just to cute!!!

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