Thursday, November 8, 2012


This is going to be one of those brutally honest posts where I tell you how much I have failed at everything lately.

I will admit, I don't always suck, but this week... I suck.

Ally's birthday is this weekend... it's a magical, exceptional, fantastic day that I love to celebrate... except when you forget the little details. Right after school today Ally asked me what time I am bringing her birthday treat to school tommorrow... um... "remind me what you wanted again?"... "oh yeah, that's right chocolate cupcakes". And in my mind I am thinking, "Oh crap, I forgot and how am I ever going to get a grocery store to make me 30 chocolate cupcakes by tonight so she can take them to school with her tomorrow morning???" So much for the cool mom that always does something special for her special daughter. Failure.

Both of my youngest are STILL in the pj's they slept in last night at 3 pm and now it's not even worth changing them. Failure.

It's parent/teacher conferences tonight and I forgot, so Alex is coming home early from work to help me out, since I spaced getting a babysitter. Failure.

Threw the ingredients in the bread maker so we would have homemade bread tonight with our dinner... totally spaced turning it on and it won't make it in time for dinner. Failure.

Spaced paying for Devin's preschool this month... but luckily his teacher is sweet and didn't charge the late fee. Failure.

Totally forgot about planning a fun activity for Family Home Evening... actually totally forgot about FHE all together. Failure.

Did I ever mention I am in young women's at church?... totally spaced the activity this week on Tuesday night. Failure.

I still have to find one amazing, incredible birthday present for Ally that is in an incredibly hard stage right now and I haven't got a clue... too old for toys... too young for clothes and make-up. Failure.

Devin had an apple and Halloween candy for lunch today. Failure.

Let's not even mention how messy my 2 upstairs bathrooms are... or the gigantic piles of laundry that I have yet to sort through...

Seriously, the list could go on and on, but let's just notice the reoccuring thing of forgetfullness and FAILURE. I wish I could totally blame it on the fact that I have a new baby, but I can't... she's too easy and good to blame anything on. This one's all on me.

So, time to tackle all of these failures... or call it a complete loss, lock myself in the bedroom and read a book I have been dying to open???... so, wish it was that simple... but nope, time to tackle the failure list...

Anyone know how I can get on top of things!???

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