Friday, November 16, 2012

Elder Cameron Pickle

So, as I said our Halloween didn't end there. You see, my nephew Cameron has been waiting for his mission papers... and wouldn't you know it, he got them on Halloween.

He was going to open them that night at 8:30, and there was no way I was going to miss that!

So we packed up the kids and drove 45 minutes to Salt Lake to see where the Lord intended for this brand new missionary to go.

My guess was Chile.
Alex guessed South Africa.
Ally guessed China.
Devin guessed his favorite place on earth... Disneyland.

He immediately opened his packet and announced he would be leaving in January to Resistencia, Argentina. It was a beautiful moment.

He is the oldest and since my sister was at our house all the time with him I have the most memories of him growing up... before I got obsessed with my own life. I still remember taking him for walks in the old, ugly stroller of my parents... and I remember one time the sprinklers came on while we were walking by, he may have got 2 or 3 drops on him but he started crying and I immediately picked him up and pushed the stroller back to the house with him in my arms. He immediately stopped crying when I picked him up, and it was the first time I knew what it was like to provide that kind of comfort.

He's not little any more... infact, he's a lot taller than me. And Cam, if you are reading this I love you... and I can't wait for you to head out to Argentina and provide all those people with the kind of comfort only the Lord can bring them. I am so proud of you!

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