Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year, Halloween was a little chaotic... but always fun!

Ally was determined in her costume choice. She wanted to be Catniss from the Hunger Games trilogy.

I have to admit that Alex and I both tried to talk her out of it, but once Ally makes up her mind at anything, it is pretty much impossible to get her to change her mind.

First thing we had to run over to Ally's school to see the Halloween parade. Devin enjoyed running around in his costume until the kids came through.

Then we had to run like crazy to get Devin to preschool on time... we were just a little late, but oh well.

He was determined for a long time to be Mario for Halloween. We waited and waited making sure that is what he wanted. We finally bought the costume and guess what? Of course he changed his mind and wanted to be Lightening McQueen. I'm not one of those moms that let their kids change costumes though... so he could wear Mario or just go in regular clothes.

Aja was the cutest little ladybug there ever was!

Alex and I have never dressed up before, but this year we decided to. We were pirates together.

The kids went trick-or-treating for a couple of hours... but our night wasn't over quite yet. But that deserves a whole new post on it's own...

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