Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Day Finally Came - Christmas 2009

We've been waiting for this day for several months now, and now it is all over. I think I may have been more excited than my kids. I didn't sleep for at least 2 days before because I was so excited... not to see what I would get, but to watch my kids open their presents!

This is what our tree looked like after Santa had just visited.


I had full intentions of taking tons of great pictures to capture all the magical moments... however, I got so caught up in those magical moments that the camera just seemed to be in the way. The few pictures I did take didn't turn out that great. But here is a picture of the kids playing on Devin's big present.


Ally's big gift was an MP3 player. It may have been her present, but not having to listen to High School Musical and Miley Cyrus has been a present for me too!

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and feel as blessed as we do!

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Christmas Eve is always a crazy day... well, unless you live in AZ then you don't have all the craziness going on. It was so much fun to be back in Utah and go to the parties and enjoy the best part of Christmas, family.

The kids got to open a present from each other the day before. Devin gave Ally a remote control mini Bratz car and a Scooby book. Ally gave Devin a Thomas the Train starter kit.

Somehow, Ally ended up playing with her Bratz doll and the train all by herself, while Devin dragged the wrapping paper around the room...

First party was at "Aunt" Kristi's to celebrate with Alex's side of the family. Ally had fun playing with her cousin's and there 5 million toys. She loved Lauren's princess castle and was very disappointed to find out Seth was really good at Mario Kart even though he's a few years younger.
There was SO much food!
We had the annual white elephant gift exchange and then Grandpa "Santa" Paul gave the kids their presents. Ally was so excited to get a bunch of Littlest Pet Shop's and Devin got a train with dogs that can ride on it... of course the dogs don't only like the train, they go down his slide, they hide in heater vents... they try and go swimming in the toilet, but luckily mommy told Devin that dogs don't swim in toilets...

(isn't he a jolly elf?)

Then it was a quick grab everything and run to my parent's house to celebrate with my side of the family.
Again there was just too much yummy food. We played our regular ping pong and I won the first one and my nephew, Cody, won the second game. Then it was upstairs to let all of the kids open their sacks that my mom wraps for them.
(the half red nose resluted from her part of Rudolph in the Christmas play).
Next was the traditional read and green Sprite and then it was time for the last presents to be opened. Every year my mom makes matching pajamas for all 8 of her grandchildren.
I didn't get a picture of all of them together, as I was holding Devin on Cody's shoulders. I told my dad he needs to email me a pic so I can share... it is quite a sight to behold.
Here are the 3 girls together.
Then the kids did what any other kid does the day before Christmas... got wild! There was indian leg wrestling and arm wrestling... didn I mention that Alex was in the middle of all of that???
And then it was a 45 minute drive home and time to nestle the children all snug in their beds while vision of sugar plums danced in their heads...

Happenings Before Christmas

It's time to play a little catch-up in posting.

Me and the kids met my sister and her kids at my mom's for fun. The kids played a lot, but took time out to make rice krispy treat Christmas trees and white chocolate snowmen. Ally had fun being creative, while Devin had fun eating all the candy.


Another big happening was Alex turned **... that's right, I am banned from typing how old he turned. (cough, cough, thirty-three). We had our parents over for dinner and to play games the Sunday before. My sweet neice, Emily, watched the kids for us on his actual birthday and we went out for Chinese food at Shoots and saw Avatar in 3D.

The kids opened all of his presents for him.
We gave him Mario Kart for Wii... and have spent hours falling off the edges of lava and space playing it... well, Ally and I have, Alex is actually good at the game.

Ally picked out her gift for him. They enjoy watching Spongebob together and now Alex can proudly profess it in his sleep.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Those Little Moments

I was told in Sunday School a few months ago about using your blog for geneology, and I realized what a good idea it was, so I have been trying to be more regular about keeping up and celebrating not only the big moments, but the little moments as well.

Yes, I am behind again and need several catching up posts to get caught up, but this one I need to post today... not sure why but I feel the need to do it.

These last almost ten years have been a roller coaster for us. We have been married 9 1/2 years now and along with the moments of pure joy have been the moments to bring us to our knees.

We met in March of 2000, and 5 weeks later we were engaged... completely, head-over-heels in love. We had so many people telling us it would never work, but I knew. He was my perfect match in every way possible... and yes it is cheesy, but he completed me in a way that I couldn't even begin to describe.

We were surprised 5 months after we were married in Septmeber 2000 with the news that we would be parents. Let's be honest, we weren't ready. I was just enrolled back at the University of Utah and we were just starting to work out the kinks that new married life brings. I actually cried when I read the pregnancy test... yet, Alex, my rock, smiled. He wanted to be a dad, and even if we weren't quite ready he knows how to take whatever comes, accept and make it positive.

So, in November 2001 our angel was born. She was a challenge as a young baby and I suffered from post partum depression... badly. I was stupid enough to not recognize it for what it was and simply suffered. Those are some black months I would never want to relive.

However, life eventually settled into a pattern and a miracle happened... I fell completely in love with being a mom... to my beautiful, sweet baby, who finally taught me what it is to really love. There is no love that will ever compare to what a mother feels for her child... only another mother can understand.

That next year was a beautiful one. Ally was so much fun as a young toddler, so smart and just alive. Of course, one of the hardest days of my life also came during that time. One that I can still conjur up in my mind and feel the horror deep in the pit of my stomach when I think about it.

Ally was 11 months old, talking, walking, and just happy. Alex worked for Hollywood Video until 2 in the morning so he slept in while I watched Ally. I still remember sitting on the floor, leaning against the leather green couch, when Ally walked over to me, laid in my lap and her eyes rolled back into her head. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew something was terribly wrong. I picked her up, yelling for Alex and kicked the shut door to the bedroom open where he was sleeping. I called 911 while he held her and I pulled some clothes on.

The ambulance took her lifeless body to the Tooele hospital and they laid her small body on a bed that was just too big for my tiny baby. They didn't know what was wrong with her... and after checking her over they left the 3 of us alone for a few moments in the room. I was holding her, she was slightly awake... when all of the sudden the same thing happened. Her eyes rolled back into her and her body started to seize. It was the first time I realized she was having seizures. The doctors rushed in, took my baby from me and worked over her. I have seen Alex cry a total of 3 times in my ten years with him... this was one of those times. They could not figure out what was wrong with her, and Ally and I were to take our first helicopter ride. They life-flighted her to Primary Children's Hospital. As we waited in the Emergency room Alex drove from Tooele and my parents drove up. Alex and my dad laid their hands on her head and gave her a powerful priesthood blessing. I cannot even begin to describe how amazing it is and how blessed I feel to have the priesthood in my life. They decided they needed to give her a spinal tap to see if she had meningitis. I could not handle seeing them stick a needle into my eleven-month old babies tiny back and I had to leave the room. Alex, again my rock, stayed by her side and stroked her tiny hand. I can still remember burrying my head in my hands in that uncomfortable chair staring down at the bleached-white floor and crying as if the world had ended. I spent the next two nights with her at that hospital, and they never found out what was wrong. We were hopeful that it was a fluke and after a month of anti-seizure medication, we felt thankful and full of hope when the medicine was gone and she was back to her normal, sweet self.

Fast forward to another surprise I told Alex on Father's Day, once again we were going to be parents to a new baby. It was a surprise and not ideal timing, however instead of tears, I felt excited to be a mother and have the job I loved more than anything in the world. Our family was so excited for our future.

A month later, that hope crashed within the matter of 2 days. My family goes yearly to Fish Lake, Utah, and we joined them. Ally was an adorable 19-month-old, and I was 13 weeks pregnant and not loking forward to sleeping in a tent, but still excited to go camping and spend time together. Ally had been sick the week before, but had been feeling better since we got there. I had lost Alex's wallet and we walked down to the pay phone to get our credit cards cancelled. My neice, Emily walked with us. As I was on the phone Alex said one word, "Tammy," and when I looked over at him he was holding Ally in his arms, her eyes were rolled back and her body was once again seizing. I responded back with only one word, "run"... and we did. I pulled Emily along while Alex ran Ally up the hill. My sister-in-law drove us to where we met an ambulance and she was taken to a hospital in Richfield. She went into another seizure right as we were pulling into the hospital. We drove home after they filled her full of anti-seizure medication and then the next month would be followed with test after test to be determined it was once again a "fluke". Luckily she has never had another seizure, but to this day I still panic when she gets the stomach flu.

Two days after we got home from Fish Lake, another thing happened, I began to bleed... so heavily infact that I was soaking clothes in blood. We went to the hospital where they had to do a D&C to get the bleeding to stop. Our dream of that child died that night. The pain was horrible, it was a loss I didn't know how to fill. Alex, was again the man that held us together, and gave me his shoulder that was so often wet with tears.

It took time to get over that loss, 6 or 7 months of grieving, and I needed that time to dedicate to Ally and her many tests. Finally, I felt ready to have another baby... only this time we weren't so lucky. After a long time without getting pregnant I went to the doctor and they said there was too much scar tissue from my miscarriage and there was no chance I would ever get pregnant. A few doctors later, with the same diagnosis, and once more the grief was overwhelming. It took more mourning.

We decided to try adoption and looked into LDS Family Services. They said it would take years, and I felt devastated. That was when I felt inspired to do foster care, feeling our next baby would come to us that way. I went to the months of classes, and inspections and preparations and finally the call came... they had a 5 week little boy, Finn, and he was to be ours. The case worker said we should be able to adopt him in months, he would not be going back home. How could it be that easy??? I painted his room a sweet shade of blue, we bought a crib and I decorated with Winnie the Pooh. Then I picked him up at the Ronald McDonald House, he was so tiny and sweet and felt just perfect in my arms. I thought it might be hard to bond with him, but it wasn't. I think I fell in love instantly. Ally was so sweet and loving to him, and such a big help. After a day or two it all felt right, and he would relax in my arms and when I held him... I was "mommy," and he wanted me over anyone else. Only, Heavenly Father said he could only be mine for 6 days... the judge ruled to give him to his grandmother and her abusive husband. My heart broke, and I feared for his safety. After 6 days I was ready to pack him up and run away with him to keep him safe. Only, he was not to be mine. I knew I had to give him back. Once more my arms and heart were left empty.

Then a big change came to our family. We needed a break, a move from the pain and loss. Alex accepted a job in Sierra Vista, Arizona. A part of me was ready for a break, a part was full of fear and a part was excited to try something new. The move ended up being one of the best things for us. We had to learn to rely on each other, our wards, make new friends and try new things. A doctor down there told me about a fabulous infertility doctor in Tucson and having enough time to emotionally heal, I decided to give it a try. He did surgery to try and remove as much scar tissue as possible, and it was horrible. I have never been so sick! Then we did several months of infertility treatments, and the frustration and hopelessness began again. We decided to take a break from the treatments for the month of December and enjoy the holidays without the pressure... it was that month that I got pregnant, and the miracle of Devin came to our family.

Well, that takes care of most of the small moments that have made up our family. Would I change any of it?... no, it takes me to where I am today. I am blessed to have an amazing, strong husband and two beautiful miracles that have blessed me more than I probably even deserve.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Pajamas

Here are the pics my parents took of their 8 grandkids in their pajamas.



Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas


This past weekend we got a bunch of snow. Ally is finally feeling better and we had a chance to all go play. We built a family of four snowpeople... look close, can you see Devin snowbaby?

Here are some pics from our fun.



Today marked the beginning of a 2 weeks break from school for Ally... YIPPEE!!! She is so excited to be out of school and I am happy that I don't have to hurry to get her ready for school in the morning. She is enjoying staying up late and we are watching Cars.

She had a Sing In this morning in school and we got to see her sing with all the other second graders. They sang Jingle Bells.


It was really hard to get a good picture of her with how crowded in they were. But she did a great job!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Clean for 24 Hours

That's right! No more of this:


Only this:


His binky went, "bye bye" and poor litte, Devin is going through withdrawls. Should we have taken it away earlier? Yep, he is too old... however, I am not going to make any excuses. It made my life SO much easier and I will miss the binky just as much as he does.

Notice the "after" pic, the swollen nose and black bruise? (I guess you can't see it too well in the pic). I took him to the mall to play on the wee (his language for slide) and he fell and bumped his nose. I have blood all over my sweater from the bloody nose and he has the swollen, bruised nose to prove it. I took him to make him forget about his binky for a little while... such a good mom aren't I?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Lazy Sunday

Yes, we are evil parents. Today is Stake Conference and we decided to skip it, and stay home. It has been a Jensen Jammy Day.


We pulled out a train set and played together as a family. Alex was put in charge of building the bank and pony express buildings.

Ally was in charge of keeping the robbers from stealing the gold out of the train.

Devin was in charge of whatever he chose.

He liked to destroy everything.

Which made his sister mad.

We also spent Devin's 2 hours of nap time playing Wii bowling. So what does the evening have in store? Probably some Muddy Buddies and a Christmas movie... how blessed I feel to get to spend time with my family!

Temple Square

Today has been a fun day! First of all, my mom watched Devin so we could take Ally to see the new Disney movie, The Princess and the Frog. She loved the movie, but Alex and I easily found it lacking the other Disney charm.

Then we headed to downtown Salt Lake City to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square. It was so busy downtown that we had to park 5 blocks away and walk in. It was pretty late, so I was worried Devin would fall apart, but luckily he saved it until the last few blocks on the walk back to the car. Here are a few beautiful moments we spent together as a family. No commentary needed.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Never a dull moment...

A few days ago I ran to the restroom, leaving Devin in the family room. When I came back he was standing on the kitchen table, stirring the syrup from Ally's plate she didn't put away before school. I snapped a quick pic on my camera phone.

He also loves to explore everything he can climb into (once again a phone pic).

He also thinks that putting his dinner down his shirt sleeves is much more fun than actually eating it (another phone pic)...

He thinks his sister's doll stroller is his personal jungle gym...

Luckily, she is a sweet sister and doesn't mind.

He never sits still...

But he knows how to melt all of our hearts...