Monday, August 24, 2009

Ally's First Day of Second Grade


The day finally came... no matter how much she has been dreading it. All she could say after Back-to-School Night was "I liked PDS better". (PDS being her old school in AZ). She has been extremely nervous and upset these past few days. I worked really hard with her trying to be positive, picking out her clothes and accessories with her... but it all came down to her. After putting her to sleep last night, I laid in bed with tears slipping down my cheeks... how can I make it better? Can I go to school with her, hold her hand as she walks in the door by herself, knowing no one. Can I make sure she introduces herself to all the girls in her class and finds a friend? Can I go with her to recess and play with her on the slides if she has no one? Can I sit by her at lunch to make sure she doesn't sit alone... Sadly, no. This is one time I can't go with her. My brave, (not-so) little 7 year old has to do it herself.

She didn't cry when I dropped her off, as I was afraid she would. The bell rang and she bravely walked in the school to find a spot in a desk. She has the courage of a lion, and I was wrong to worry and doubt her. I know she can do this. She is an amazing, beautiful young lady that can conquer anything she puts her mind to. I am so proud of this blessing that I have been given in the form of a courageous little girl.


*** I just have to come back to add that when I picked Ally up from school she ran into my hug and said, "That was the best day of school EVER!" :o) ***

West Jordan Park

The morning of Devin's birthday we took the kids to the West Jordan City park. It is so much fun there and they have the best stuff!

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Devin's First Birthday Party

I can't believe that he is already one year old! This year has just flown by... isn't it possible to just freeze time and hold onto him this small for a little while?

My dad makes a chair for each grandchild for their first birthday. Here is Devin enjoying his:

I ended up staying up too late the night before his birthday to get his cake done... so it didn't turn out as perfect as I wanted it too... of course he could care less as long as it was messy and he could eat it!

I made Devin his own smash cake. At first he thought it would be more polite to use a spoon with company around...


But then he thought about it and decided he didn't want to be polite...


It was a fun party with all of his family there!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Little Cottonwood Canyon

This past weekend we went for a picnic and hiking up Little Cottonwood Canyon (well, it might have been Big Cottonwood Canyon... I always get those mixed up).
Our Arizona blood was freezing up there, but other then that we had a great time!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gateway Children's Museum - August 2009

On one of Alex's days off we took the kids to the Gateway Mall to the children's museum. We rode Trax uptown and I think that was Ally's favorite part. It was a really fun place and would have been great, but there was just too many people and it kind of ruined it.

Devin loved the balls.

Ally built a lego tower taller than her (I couldn't get her to look at me for the picture as she was afraid it would fall on her).

Devin soaked himself in the water.

We also had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen afterwards. It was a fun day!

Keeping Busy - July 2009

With Alex still in Arizona, we had to find lots of things to keep us busy so we wouldn't miss him too much... it almost worked.

We went with my sister and 2 of her kids to the Living Planet Aquarium.

We went swimming at my sister's in-laws pool several times too. My dad came along on this one.


On the 24th of July, Pioneer Day, we went up Millcreek Canyon and had pancakes for breakfast with my parents and Wendy and a couple of her kids (Dave and Cameron were at Youh Conference). Devin got really excited about the river... Ally got really excited about the pancakes.


Then I went to the zoo with my friend Nicole and her little girl.


Lake Powell - June 2009


We had a blast at Lake Powell this year. The kids loved the water!

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On the drive home (somewhere near Flagstaff) Alex got a call that told him he had the job in Orem.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So much to catch up on...

And photobucket is giving me fits, so who knows when I will be inserting pictures.

Anyway, we found out the beginning of July that Alex would be taking over a new store in Orem... yay. However, this started an exhausting month of July. I spent every waking second packing and cleaning. But, we are now here, living with my parents until we find our house. We were lucky enough to sell our house in AZ and it closes in a few weeks. Then we plan on starting the search for a house in Utah county.

Alex is working too many hours (nothing new there) trying to turn the store around.

Ally is LOVING being with her cousins and grandparents! She is a little nervous to be starting a new school, and I feel the same. I loved her school and the teacher she was supposed to have. It worries me a little, but I know she will do great.

Devin will be turning 1 in less than 2 weeks. Where has the time gone? He is not only walking, but running every where now. He is strangely tiny... I mean who would have thought with a 6'5 dad and 5'7 mom that he would be so small... we have no doubt he will catch up though!

Well, if I can ever get Photobucket to like me again, I have tons of catching up to do. But that will have to do for now.