Monday, January 23, 2012

They're only enchiladas...

I have been blessed with some amazing, loving, caring and wonderful people in my life. We have supportive and honorable family and friends. I know that if I ever had any need, I would only have to ask and they would be there.

I know that if my kids were lacking, someone would give them everything they needed. If I need a babysitter, I have so many great people that would gladly be willing to help. I know we would never go hungry, homeless or without any of our needs being met. I know at least a dozen people that would walk through fire or snow to save any one of us. And for all these amazing people in my life, I can't tell you how grateful I am and how much I love you and are grateful for you!

But then there are those people that make you enchiladas, and those people are as rare as they come.

I have amazing parents. I was raised in a loving, household with parents that are coming up on their 50th wedding anniversary. They came to every dance recital, awards assembly, and concert choir performance, and even as a misguided teenager, I never had to guess if they loved me.

And while I know they would babysit any time I asked, give us food if we were hungry, give us shelter if we had no where to go, and walk through fire to save us from a burning building... I also know they will bring me enchiladas without even asking. Because that is what kind of people they are.

I was lucky enough to catch a cold/flu last week and have just been miserable, especially since you can't take much of any kind of medication when you are pregnant. Was I functioning? Sure, is there any other choice when you are a mom? But it didn't matter that I was "okay" my mom made us dinner, my parents both came and watched the kids so I could have a break, and to just lend support. I didn't have to ask for help, it just came.

I really hope you have people in your life that will make you enchiladas too, because they are pretty rare and more valuable then anyone else you have to ask to walk through fire for you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Too Impatient

We decided we couldn't wait any longer and decided to pay to have an ultrasound done to determine the gender of our new little one.

Ally REALLY wanted a girl!

Alex REALLY wanted a boy!

Devin says he wants a sister, but that is only because he is constantly coached by Ally.

My nieces REALLY wanted a girl!

My mom and sister really wanted a girl (I even got a purple blanket for Christmas for the baby)!

And me? I just want a healthy baby!

Here are a few pictures:

Yeah, they don't look like much in the pictures. It was really fun to watch the baby kicking and moving around on the ultrasound though!

So, what do you think we are going to have?


It's a GIRL!!!

So, *most everyone* got what they wanted! (Sorry Alex, you and Devin are just going to have to deal with the minority!)

"I'm Sexy and I Know It!"

That song by LMFAO is my kids new favorite, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Devin is especially cute when he sings it. One day he put on his sister's pink boots, strikes a pose for me and says, "I'm sexy and I know it!" It made me laugh!!!

Two Months in One Post

The last 2 months have kind of passed by in a blur for me... which sadly happened over my favorite time of year. Why? Well, I have been sick... very sick. This is the worst morning sickness I have ever had of my 3 kids and it has not been pretty. I actually lost 10 pounds, which normally would be a good thing, but when you are throwing up every day, it doesn't feel so great. But I haven't thrown up in 6 days, so I am going to pretend that it is better now, and hopefully it is in the past.

So I am going to put all of the fun of our holidays into one post, which makes me feel sad that I missed pictures of all the fun we had.

We decorated our tree over Thanksgiving weekend:

One of my favorite parts of decorating the tree, is when little ones put all of the ornaments in one spot. It was just so sweet!

One of my favorite parts of the season was going to see The Forgotten Carols with my sweet friend, Jamie. It really was beautiful and made me feel the Spirit of Christmas and our Savior so much.

We also took a couple of trips to see Christmas lights. We drove through the lights at Thanksgiving Point and took a trip up to Temple Square.

Ally had a couple of performances with school too. She is in her school choir this year and they had a Christmas performance. She goes twice a week to school at 7:45 am to practice. Sometimes it's hard for her (and me) to get out of bed that early every day, but it made their choir REALLY good. I was so impressed! I did get a few pictures of her in her performance:

They sang "I Want Chocolate in My Stocking for Christmas" and threw tootsie rolls out at the end of it... this was Devin's favorite part!

Alex celebrated his 35th Birthday a few days before Christmas too! He was nice enough to let the kids open his presents for him, so they could get in some practice before Christmas.

Alex was sweet enough to help Ally make a gingerbread house, because I was in the middle of a long puking session.

Then came Christmas Eve at my parents house and Christmas morning. I only got a few pictures, but it was fun... except I was oh so sick on Christmas Day (probably from staying up all night because I was soooo excited to give the kids their presents!).

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Holiday Season too!!!