Thursday, June 13, 2013

Aja is Officially One!

My baby is officially one as of yesterday! Here are a bunch of facts about my little princess:

Her brother is still her best friend... and he loves her too... they are so good at getting into trouble together!

She is still pretty clingy to me, but loves kids and therefore has just started loving the gym daycare. Yay for me!

As of her doctor appointment today she weighs 18.1 lbs. Due to a big power outage they are going to send me the rest of her stats in the mail... I don't think anyone knows how to function without a computer any more.

So, this next picture is actually a terrible picture... but it is one of my favorites. She has never taken a pacifier or sucked her thumb. But she did make up her own sign language and what she is doing below is her telling me she wants to nurse... I like having this picture to remind me of something this is soon to end.

She LOVES to clap... she claps when you give her food, when she walks, when she turns the light switch off for the 100th time... or just when she feels like it.

She has excellent fine motor skills... and has been using the pincher grasp for about 5 or 6 months now.

She has the biggest blue eyes!

She still isn't walking on her own yet. *I* know she can do it, but *she* doesn't know she can do it. She has taken up to 15 steps or so on her own. But she isn't confident enough yet, but she will get there! She has learned to crawl on her hands and knees though. HOWEVER, she randomly switches from army crawling to "normal" crawling whenever her mood suits her.

She loves to wrinkle her nose!

I cannot even express how grateful I feel to have her in my life and that I get to be her mom. She is always smiling, giggling and ready to cuddle. She is so much fun yet so mellow and easy-going... well, she is an emotional girl though... so don't you dare tell her "no" or take away something she wants! She has defintely filled a hole in my heart, I never knew I had. I love her more then I have words to say!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aja's Birthday Party!

(technically not until tomorrow, but we celebrated last Saturday)

She had a fun pink and black party at Grandma's house. I think I went a little overboard on the decorations and all but she had a great time and it was a lot of fun. So, here is her party story in pictures:

Happy Birthday to my little princess!!!

Devin's Graduation

Devin graduated from Mrs. Stephanie's this year. She put on another cute program!

The back of his certificate, and what she read about him said:

Devin has grown so much in this past year, learning letters, numbers and how to listen and wait his turn. He is an amazing little boy that is tenderhearted, caring and happy! His smile lights up a room and he is so much fun always trying to get everyone to laugh and be happy with him. We are so proud of him!!!

I know this picture is blurry but it is the only one I got of him with his teacher.

And All About Ally too

Ally is done with 5th grade. Sniff, sniff. Next year she will be one of the BIG 6th graders and after that it will be Junior High. She is already a mini-teenager, which includes all the emotions and sleeping in until noon on the weekends.

She is an amazing babysitter with her younger brother and sister. They really love her and she does a great job taking care of them.

She has been in choir this year which has included her in several performances. I wish I could say that I was good about taking pictures, but I have been a bad mommy and forgot the camera with carrying a baby, diaper bag and holding the hand of a 4-year-old. She also got to do Hope of America this year at the Marriot Center with all the other 5th graders in the Provo School District. Alex won the toss on this one and I had to stay home and put the little kids to bed and he got to enjoy it and take her out for ice cream afterwards.

Ally had a huge project just recently on Calamity Jane. I'm not even going to go on about the "kid" project, but lets just say it sure stressed this mommy out. But here she is with all of her work and her dressed up at the wax museum, where she played Calamity Jane.

I am really proud of her for memorizing it and making her own poster... I saw and talked to a lot of moms that made the poster and everything for their child so it would be "perfect". I am proud of her for doing it mostly herself!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just because she's cute

Yes, I know I am really behind... but let's face it, that's not new.

However, we went to get some pictures of Aja today as her birthday is closing in very quickly and I just had to share one of them. Hopefully her cuteness will make the wait easier for all that I am not getting posted.

Beautiful scenery with a beautiful baby... more to come...