Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Week is Off to a Much Better Start

So, all is finally well with the house, we are hoping to close by Friday, but maybe early next week.

I went with some great friends to the Dinosaur Museum in Lehi today while Ally was in school. Devin had a blast and especially loved digging for dinosuar bones... well, actually throwing the sand on his head.


We topped it off at Del Taco, where the kids loved the play place... sadly all three of us adults had to climb our way up to take our kids down the slide... luckily I was the only one not pregnant, so I may have had a slight advantage...


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Scarecrow Festival


Alex had today off of work... So, since Ally got off school at 1, we headed down to Lehi for the Scarecrow Festival. It was a lot better then I thought it would be, and the kids had a blast!

Ally chose to head to the pillow bounce first. She LOVED it. Devin thought it was pretty cool, but he thought putting the dirt and rocks on it to slide down was much more exciting.

We then went to the 3D "Haunted" House... you had to wear 3D glasses through it and the silly pictures popped out in 3D. Ally loved this. Devin liked the place where there were bubbles he could try and pop.

Then we went into the "Scary" Dragon balloon. This was a mistake. You should have heard Ally scream with the loud noises in there... which in turn sent Devin into hysterics. We had to sneak out a side entrance. (notice in the picture that this is as close as I could get Ally to get to it after she went through. LOL!)

Then we went on a tractor/train ride. This was a hit with the kids, however provided quite a few unmentionable bruises for Alex and I.

Then came the cursed corn maze. Seriously, this thing was a pain! We spent over an hour walking around in this thing and never found our way out... we ended up leaving back through the entrance. Alex and I would have loved to go with just the 2 of us. Ally complained the whole time and while Devin thought it was great he was hard to carry that long, and when we did put him down he was more interested in picking up the corn then walking.

This corn maze was much more up to the kids liking.

We topped it off at a yummy burger place. It was a fun way to end such a rough week!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A rare look

So, if you can't tell, I am the only one that takes pictures in this family, which also means there are very few photographs of myself... this one (as I am sure you can tell) was taken by me on my fabulous camera phone.


I finally found time to get my hair cut and ended up cutting 6 inches off. I wanted it short, but it is VERY important that as a busy mom I can still pull my hair back in a ponytail. The pic is of my cute new haircut.

It has been a crazy week. Devin has his first 4 molars coming in and that means he is constantly whining, never sleeping and needing his mommy, and only his mommy, every second. I am just surviving... barely.

We've had so many issues with the house that I don't even want to get into it, but I am wondering if we will ever own it.

Big sigh... so that is what has been going on at our house.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

7 going on 17

That's my "little" girl... she may only be 7, but despite the fact that she likes to play Bratz and Littlest pet Shop, you may mistake her for a teenager.

(excuse the pic, I still haven't rescued my camera and it's a mobile upload)

Yesterday was school picture day. I picked out a cute dress, tights, necklace... the whole ensemble... was it presentable? Ummm, if you guessed no, you would be correct. She wanted to wear a certain purple shirt with Selena Gomez boldly placed across it and a bright pink Hannah Montana necklace... do you think I deemed that presentable... again, you better have guessed, no. It took a while but we finally settled on that blue shirt in the picture. Next came the hair battle... ponytails was her decision, I just wanted to flip it out with a clip... we finally decided together on the braid above. Luckily she wasn't late to school.

She may have a mind of her own and drive me nuts sometimes, but it is one of the things I love about her. She has her own sense of style, and personality. She has finally come into her own, and I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming. (I just wish I could stop her from growing older! Can you believe she will be 8 and ready to be baptized in less than a month!?)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Devin's Well Visit Check-Up

We absolutely love our pediatrician, Dr. Peter C. Lindgren. We used him for Ally before we moved, and he was incredible... he hasn't changed any, and after the last few weeks, I STILL think he is the best! Since he is so great it took forever to get Devin's 1 year well check-up set up, and that is why he was 13 1/2 months before we could get in.

His stats are:
20 lbs 10 oz (10%)
31 inches tall (67%)
I can't remember his head measurement but it was 27%... we've come a long way.

The dr said he was very "impressed" with his coordination and development. He said we will be seeing him in sports one day. (???) Anyway he also commented that we will be needing to do lots of child-proofing and keep him in constant line of our vision... now, think of this, he was with him about 10 minutes and he could see what a handful he is... I'm telling you this kid has got spunk and as long as we both survive it, all is well. He is a nut but I have never laughed so hard!!!

(as soon as I rescue my camera from the trailer I will have to post some pics of my big boy!)

Monday, October 5, 2009

One last Trip

We had to take one last trip before it was time to accept defeat in the cold weather. We went down to Sand Hollow State Park by St. George, Utah.


We went to the sand dunes.


Where we proceeded to get our truck stuck, and it took almost an hour to dig it out.


Devin was oh so helpful and kept stealing the shovel.


Alex tried to kill himself several times by jumping off the cliffs (it's a lot higher then it looks!).


You see that crack below? All of the kids and their Uncle Dave climbed through it... Wendy (my sister) and I were smart enough not to go through it. :o) You literally have to go through sideways with your chest and back touching the whole way through.


Devin's favorite part of the trip was picking up rocks and throwing them. At this spot below he decided to pick up an ant and put it in his mouth. My dad took it out of his mouth and the ant crawled away. EWWWWWWW!!!!!


Offer #4 is under contract... with us that is!!!

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