Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's a Mother's Job to Worry

This past week we had the anatomy scan for our baby... no, we still haven't given her a name yet. I couldn't help but worry about it. It's really amazing what they can see and tell from an ultrasound. They check the heart, brain, lungs, fingers, toes, kidneys... they look for club foot and cleft pallet... I have heard so many bad things lately about women finding out bad news, and it terrified me. Alex said he had to work, so I was on my own... except for Ally wanted to go with me too. I was truly scared sitting in the waiting room, worrying I would hear something was wrong with my baby.

The very first image we saw when she turned on the ultrasound was this:

Can we say "Pirate Baby"? But it made me laugh, relax and enjoy watching the little wiggling arms and legs that I could see on the ultrasound machine and feel moving inside of me.

She checked everything... Ally said it was boring, but it was amazing to hear that every part of her body looked perfect and was functioning correctly. She is measuring small, but that doesn't surprise me because both of her siblings measured the same.

Here is her cute, little profile... it reminds me exactly of Ally's and Devin's:

It's amazing as a mother, the worry that comes with a child. I think it's because we just love our kids so much and can't bare the thought of anything bad happening to them... it also made me realize how in love with her I am already!

And me... I think my stomach has doubled in the last week... and though I despise these pictures and have never done one before, here it is:

Rocked To Sleep

Devin has an aversion to falling to sleep in his bed everynight. Why? I honestly have no clue. But almost every night, for the past 6 months, we find him like this:

He likes to rock himself to sleep, and we have to move him to his bed almost every night. But there can't be any harm in it... we are just going to buy a new rocker for the new baby, because I wouldn't dream of taking away his comfort.