Monday, September 28, 2009

Offer #4

We still haven't heard back from the bank on offer #3, but we decided to put an offer in on this house in Provo. We really like the other house better, however this one doesn't have the $107 monthly HOA fee that that one does and this one actually has a place to park our travel trailer.

Who wants to come over and help us with the landscaping with this one? :o)

So, do you think we might get this one instead??? Again, stay tuned, this process is taking a lot longer then we ever imagined.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Devin at 13 Months


I just wanted to get down everything he is doing at this stage. He has really been advanced in his motor skills, but in the last month he has taken off in cognitive...

He is saying

Uh Oh (his favorite)
Uh Oh Getti - as in "Uh oh, spagetti o's" SO CUTE!!!
Doggy - and when you ask him, "What does a doggy say?" he responds "woof woof"
Moo - and he knows it is what a cow says
Quack Quack - and he knows it is what a duck says
Ba ba (bottle)
Wa wa (water)
Cu cu (we tell him things he shouldn't put in his mouth are cuca)
He thinks he is saying grandpa, and will look right at my dad and say it but it sounds a lot like cracker. LOL!
Uh uh (he shakes his head "no" but says "uh uh")
Geegee - for some reason this means Ally, but who knows why???

I think that is about it. He is an absolute terror, but SO much fun!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Offer Number 3

We put in our third offer on our third house. This is it...


It's up above Cabella's at the point of the mountain... among a bunch of million dollar houses, it would be interesting to really get this one. But we do love it, it has almost everything we want.

So will it actually work this time? Your guess is as good as mine!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Who says the housing market is bad?

They must have never tried to find a house in Utah County. We have so far put bids on 2 houses... and yet we are still houseless. The first house we put in a bid over asking price, but someone outbid us. The second house we realized after we went through a long process of bidding and counterbidding... only to find out they can't legally put the house under contract for another 6 weeks. I seems that every house I find that I love is already under contract. So we are back to square one. I am SO frustrated! Whoever says the market is bad needs to try househunting in Lehi.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thanksgiving Point Farm

While Ally was in school I met up with my friends and their kids. We went to the Thanksgiving Point Farm.


The play jail was Devin's favorite part of the whole venture. He loved holding on to the bars and jumping up and down.

(too bad we couldn't leave them there...)

Devin also got to ride a pony... however, I didn't get any pictures as I had to stand right next to him as he rode.

Sad to See Summer Go

One bad thing about moving back to Utah... Summer ends a lot sooner then it does in Arizona. It is going to be rough winter for this family!


The kids had to run through the sprinklers one last time... even if they were covered in goosebumps by the time they were finished.


Goodbye warm weather... we will miss you!!!

Offer Number 2


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Offer Number 1

Is this the one? There is just too many people bidding to know if we stand a chance!
