Saturday, August 27, 2011

It seems like just yesterday

that Laura and I were kids, playing together. Sleepovers, monopoly, vacations... everything. Technically, Laura and Linda (twin sisters) were my big sister's best friends, but I was always doing everything with them too.

I think that is one of the miracles of Facebook... finding people that were "lost" but definitely not forgotten. I hear about them all the time because my parents and her parents are still in the same neighborhood, but luckily I got to "talk" to Laura again through facebook!

And let me tell you, she is one amazing woman!!! She is one of those people that you are pretty sure has it all together and you can't help but admire. I just adore her!!!

Anyway, we were able to get together and catch up while our kids played. Here are some pictures of all the fun they were having:

(Isn't her little boy just adorable!???)

(I think my little boy is pretty cute too!!!)

And how did Ally take to playing with playing with 3 little boys? She LOVED it! All three of them adored her so much that this was her solution to all three of them wanting to sit by her:

She is going to the BEST babysitter in a few years!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Start of Fourth Grade

School started yesterday, and Ally was off to FOURTH grade!

Devin is very upset with Ally going to school. He cries over and over, "Can I get my Ally back?" The first day it lasted about 15 minutes... today 30 minutes. Will it be better tomorrow?

(Disclaimer, yes I purchase my daughters clothes... but I have a 2 rules: her clothes have to be modest and they have to match. So I think she looks cute in her spunky, Ally way).

Some Last Summer Pics

I need to post the first day of school I wanted to post a few pics that I somehow missed from Summer.

This is from a trip we took to Hogle Zoo.

(they were getting sprayed by the dinosaurs)

We also took a trip up to Snowbird last week. We wanted to get a day pass to do the slide, tram, etc... but it was Oktoberfest and it was too busy. (WHY is Oktoberfest on August???)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

3 Years Old

Devin turned 3 this past week. He was thoroughly spoiled and loved all of his presents.

Thursday morning, we let him open the presents from us.

We gave Devin a party at Kagaroo Zoo and let him invite a couple of friends to play.

Then we went back to our room and had pizza.

Then it was time for presents.

Which didn't go so well, as Devin opened one present and didn't want to open any more.

Then it was time for cake.

(This cake was such a dissapointment... in my mind it turned out so much cuter then what I ended up making... I am beginning to think cake decorating is just not for me).

Saturday, we had our families over for a bbq to celebrate.

This time I wasn't going to make another Buzz Lightyear cake, so I cheated and made cream-filled cupcakes.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sun, Water, Boating and FUN!

So we were off to Willard Bay again this past week, and we had a great time.

Here is a peek at what we did in pictures:

Devin perfected his swimming skills:

And of course there was family tubing:

Devin didn't really like it... in fact, the boat going fast made him a little nervous:

We all got lots of sun... in fact, Ally got her very first sunburn. We are sunblock nazi's, so it has never happened before in the past 9 years.

It was a lot of fun!!!