Thursday, May 24, 2012

4th Grade Dance Performance

As an end of year chapter, the 4th graders learned about pioneers. So Ally's teacher taught the 4th graders dances to do around a "campfire" and then they performed for the parents today. It was so cute and so much fun! They started off dancing to Cotton Eye Joe.
Devin thought it looked like a lot of fun and started dancing too.
Then the different classes performed different dances. Ally's class did the polka.
Devin thought it was great that I was distracted taking pictures and snuck off into the class to dance with them... I was mortified to chase after him and bring him back. He was heartbroken.
Then all the 4th graders did the Boot Scootin' Boogey.
Then the kids grabbed someone from the audience to dance with them. Ally took Devin, which made his day and was adorable to see him try and dance with his sister.
It was so much fun to watch and Ally LOVED it!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Devin's Preschool "Graduation"

Devin has LOVED preschool this year! I wasn't so sure when he started out if he would ever be happy there, but after a few weeks he was so excited to go. This last time I went to get him he I had to drag him away crying and begging Miss Stephanie (his teacher) to let him stay. I love that he loves to go there!
His teacher has a graduation celebration for all the kids, not just for the ones ready to go into Kindergarten. It was so cute that next year I am going to make Alex take off work so he can see it too. She had each kids come up and she presented them with their certificate.
She talks about what they have learned and how proud she is of them. For Devin she said, "Devin has learned a lot in preschool this year. He has learned how to sit and listen and to be a good friend. Most impressively, he has learned to tell left from right. I am so proud of him!"
I have loved him going to preschool and I am excited that he goes back next year. His teacher is amazing!
Devin thinks she is pretty special too!

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day was great this year! I got woken up to breakfast in bed from my adoring hubby and my sweet, little kids. Ally made me a ton of presents, this one is my favorite:
Devin made me a coupon book in preschool, this coupon made me laugh so hard!
They are so sweet and I am so blessed to be their mom!

Ally's Spring Choir Performance

I mentioned before that her school choir is actually really good, and their Spring performance was excellent as well! It takes a lot of dedication to get to school 45 minutes early twice a week... not just from her, but from me too!
Mrs. Thibault was her choir director this year, she is also the second counselor in the young women's with me! She is retiring this year, so it was really sweet to see her final performance. I was sad because I wanted Devin to be in her kindergarten class, but luckily she will be teaching preschool so he will get to have her in 2 years anyway. I am am proud of my beautiful, dedicated singer!!!