Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Aja is Four (and a half) Months

Today, Aja had her 4 month appointment and got her 4 month shots. She may be the third child but it still breaks my heart when they have to get shots.

She weighs 13.5 lbs and is 25 inches long... just like the other two, tall and skinny.
She is still wearing size 0-3 Months in clothes, and is in size 1 diapers... but after this last pack I will move her up into 2's... not because the 1's don't fit her, but because I have a whole bunch of size 2's and I don't want to buy any more 1's.

She still can not roll over or sit unassisted, but she is always full of smiles and my favorite thing is; she has learned to laugh this past month. My kids love to do whatever they can to make her giggle... okay and me too! I love that sound!

We let her try cereal this past week.

She was definitely not a fan!!!

Luckily, Devin thought she was hilarious spitting it back out and laughed at her... any time he is willing to pay attention to her, makes her day!

About 6 weeks ago she was diagonosed with pretty severe reflux and given meds for it. She isn't your typical reflux baby though, most of them cry all the time and are always in pain. She is extrememly mellow and happy, which I like to think means she is not pain. She spits up multiple times after every meal. The worst part is she constantly spits up in her sleep, which wakes her up because let's face it, who wants to sleep in a pile of vomit? Luckily it doesn't effect her sleeping at night (she still sleeps 10-12 hours straight every night! YAY!!!) but every single nap during the day is usually shortened because of it. She takes it all in stride and while the meds have helped a little, she still struggles all the time with it. The hardest part is that cute long hair! It would be so much easier to clean her up after a nap if she was bald... of course a 4-month-old with a pony tail on top of her head is just to cute!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sea World and San Diego

This last week we went to Sand Diego for Fall Break. We invited our friends, the Leishman's, to go with us. We had a great time!

We drove Tuesday night and stayed in Las Vegas that night. It reminded me why I don't really like Vegas that much.

The next day we drove to San Diego and the next day we headed to Sea World! It was supposed to rain that day which made it good and bad. Bad because it rained, but good because everyone else avoided going there and it was empty!

First we headed straight to the dolphins. The kids got to pet them and they loved it!

Petting the rays was pretty cool too!

Next the best part happened. Like I said, the place was pretty empty so when we were walking by the sea lion show one of the actors asked if we would like to come back and pet a sea otter. OF COURSE!!!

It was fun to see this same girl holding the otter in the play later on.

Next was the shark aquarium.
It was all decked out for Halloween which made it Devin and Karter's favorite place.

We bought some fish so the kids could feed the sea lions. One of the sea lions would screech every time someone would hold up a fish. Needless to say he was a well fed sea lion!

Next we headed to the Shamu show. I've been to Sea World enough times to know to bring a poncho so you don't get wet when they spray you... only we didn't get drenched by the whales... this was the time it started to rain... no rain is too mild a word, it POURED!!!

We did a few more things:

But then it started to pour again and we packed it up to come back the next day. Looking back I wish we would ahve stayed when it was empty!

The next day we headed back to Sea World for some more fun.

We went to the Sea Lion Spooktacular.

I told Devin it was going to be spooooky:

The sea lion show as the kids favorite. Ally told me she is going to be trainer at Sea World when she grows up... yep, I remember thinking that exact thing at her age when my parents brought me.

Are final day there we went to Silverstrand Beach.

It was so windy, Aja had to stay in her car seat and miss out on putting her toes in the warm sand.

After that I put her in the sling and she took an hour nap while I looked for sea shells while she slept. She was SO amazing with all the craziness of this vacation... of course, that's how she always is.

We had so much fun and we love going with the Leishman's!!!

Devin's Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip

Devin had a fieldtrip to Cornbelly's a few weeks ago. I love that his teacher has so many fun things for the kids to do!

I think this was Devin's favorite thing to do (despite the look on his face in the picture):

They had pig races and I thought they were pretty hilarious!
(but Devin was mad at me because he wanted to go back to the ball in the above picture).

Devin's best friend, Brenton:

I can't say Aja was impressed, but she took it all in like her normal self: happy and content depsite the cold and missing her bed.

(Yes, she refuses a pacifier but she is having a love affair with her hands!)

(Luckily the stroller makes a good bed too... even if she only naps for 30 minutes or so in it.)

Summer Hiking

A few months ago we went up Provo Canyon for a hike.

Ally climbed about 10 feet and was ready to get down. Devin had to be stopped by Alex about 20 feet up. That describes my two oldest perfectly. Ally is cautious, careful, willing to take small leaps of faith but also willing to know her limits. Then there is Devin, wreckless, unafraid and knows no limit. I love this about both of them!

A weekend in Idaho

I am really behind... again.

Anyway, about a month ago the kids and I went to Idaho to visit my friend and her kids. We had a lot of fun!

I meant to take a lot of pictures, but honestly we were so busy playing it just didn't happen.

Here is the one pathetic photo I did get of the kids and I when we visited Twin Falls.

I drove up with Brandy and we stayed with Nicole... these girls have been my friends for over 15 years and I just love them!!! It's rare to have a friendship that lasts that long and have such amazing friends to enjoy and walk through life with! I can see as old grandmas now still friends and discussing the accomplishments of our grandchildren.

Thanks Nicole for letting us invade your house!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

What I've Learned

I've learned a lot about myself these past few months. They say that trials make you grow... and I agree with that, but at the same time, if that is true I would rather be really short.

I've learned:

The past, isn't really all that long ago. I've been helping my mom with geneology and able to discover where our roots came from. I found some amazing people on that journey. Strong women and men that left their lives behind and left their country. Women that lost children, men that lost wives... and you know what? I love them, even though I don't know them. I can not tell you how excited I am to one day, after the close of my life, sit down with them and discover everything about them. The past doesn't seem so long ago, when I feel they are with me now.

I've learned that it's not just little kids that need their parents. I feel sorry for everyone else in this world that doesn't have my parents. They are the two most amazing people I have ever known.

I've learned that true and loyal friends don't come around that often. It is truly magical and rare to find friends that will walk by your side throughout your life, cheering you in your triumphs and holding your hand when you hurt.

I've learned that I am stronger then I thought I was.

And along with that, I have learned I am human and I am not perfect.

I've learned that reading The Book of Mormon has a power in it that only comes from one source. In young women's we challenged the girls to read the Book of Mormon in 100 days, before our retreat that is coming up in a few weeks. I took the challenge and I have to confess I don't think I am going to make it by the retreat. But I've noticed a complete change in my life when I started reading it. It's the 15-20 minutes of my day where I feel the most peace and hope... and in the chaos that is my life right now, it is the most beautiful.

I've learned that my children are the greatest gifts I have ever been given. They have taught me how to love fully and completely and how to love unconditionally. They are the reason I wake up every morning and at the same time, the reason I pass out in my bed exhausted every night. They bring laughter and fun as well as love and compassion. They know how to make me smile and see my world in a whole new light. They are my greatest joy.

I've learned not to take the little things for granted. The moments that everything seems good and you think you have everything you ever wanted in life, don't last forever. Life is meant to have it's pitfalls... so I now know to enjoy those amazing moments and save them to pull out again when life gets tough.

I've learned that everyone has free agency. At times I wish I could take it away and make my children walk the right path that leads to happiness and glory... but it's not my choice to make. We were given agency as a gift and we decide which path we will take.

I've learned that the man that I married 12 years ago has courage. I've learned to trust, to love, to heal and to give all because of him. He has taught me that strength is measured in different ways.

But mostly I have learned that I am loved, and I am never alone. I can see it in my mind; my ancestors of the past lined up beside me, my children's small hands in mine, my parents and siblings linked to me, my grandchildren and great grand children of tomorrow all there... it's the circle of forever. The blessing of an eternal family is to never walk alone.