Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Devin's Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip

Devin had a fieldtrip to Cornbelly's a few weeks ago. I love that his teacher has so many fun things for the kids to do!

I think this was Devin's favorite thing to do (despite the look on his face in the picture):

They had pig races and I thought they were pretty hilarious!
(but Devin was mad at me because he wanted to go back to the ball in the above picture).

Devin's best friend, Brenton:

I can't say Aja was impressed, but she took it all in like her normal self: happy and content depsite the cold and missing her bed.

(Yes, she refuses a pacifier but she is having a love affair with her hands!)

(Luckily the stroller makes a good bed too... even if she only naps for 30 minutes or so in it.)

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