Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Devin's Well Visit Check-Up

We absolutely love our pediatrician, Dr. Peter C. Lindgren. We used him for Ally before we moved, and he was incredible... he hasn't changed any, and after the last few weeks, I STILL think he is the best! Since he is so great it took forever to get Devin's 1 year well check-up set up, and that is why he was 13 1/2 months before we could get in.

His stats are:
20 lbs 10 oz (10%)
31 inches tall (67%)
I can't remember his head measurement but it was 27%... we've come a long way.

The dr said he was very "impressed" with his coordination and development. He said we will be seeing him in sports one day. (???) Anyway he also commented that we will be needing to do lots of child-proofing and keep him in constant line of our vision... now, think of this, he was with him about 10 minutes and he could see what a handful he is... I'm telling you this kid has got spunk and as long as we both survive it, all is well. He is a nut but I have never laughed so hard!!!

(as soon as I rescue my camera from the trailer I will have to post some pics of my big boy!)

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