Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tough Mommy Moments

Devin is 4 months old today. He also got his shots today... broke my heart. :o(

He is now almost 13 pounds and 25 inches long... 15% in weight and 45% in height. He is developmentally on task.... only his head is not growing well. Talk about hysterical mommy moment. He has always had a small head, at 2 months it was at 10% but this time his head is at 2%... the doctor said it could mean his brain is not growing well, which equal developmental delays, learning disabilities, etc... or it could just mean he has a small head. Only time will tell. It's hard not to worry... what mommy wouldn't?

1 comment:

Angie said...

Hey Tammy! I am sorry you are having a tough time. No fun! I know I worry lots about my kids and their development. JS always had the opposite problem, his head was always HUGE! almost off the charts! I worried like mothers do! I hope all is okay with your little Devin. He is adorable!