Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yes, Dear Ally, there is a Santa Claus...

For the first time this year I heard, "Mommy, Chandiler says there is no Santa Claus." How can it be coming that time already? Can't she believe until she is sixteen?

But here is my dilemna... how do you answer such a blatant request for honesty? I responded, "What do you think?" I couldn't bring myself to "lie". Through her whole life I have been completely honest with her, I don't sugarcoat the truth... "Yes, you are going to have a shot and yes it will hurt" type of thing. We give her an honest answer, even if it isn't what she wants to hear. How can I not tell her the truth this time?.... and yet the truth is, I believe in the spirit if Santa Claus... but he isn't the one really coming down the chimney to leave presents under the tree. (big sigh).

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

That's always the answer I give Jaina... "Well, what do YOU believe?". It works!