Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's all down hill after I fall behind! - Devin Started Preschool

I am behind... I know it! And it has been driving me crazy... especially since I use this as my journal and I have missed so much.

First of all, Devin started preschool. He goes to Miss Stephanie's preschool and (now) he loves it!

The start of school brought big changes for him. First of all his best buddy and sister started leaving him everday, and that was pretty traumatic for him. Along with her starting school, it meant that she would no longer be going to the gym daycare with him every morning... it meant he had to GO ALONE! It took 4 or 5 days of crying the whole time for him to get adjusted. Now he happily goes every day without any tears.

Well, the other big change started as well... preschool. I was SO nervous! Like I said he is pretty attached and I knew it was going to be rough on him. The first day I left him crying... and I cried the whole drive home. The second day was the same thing... but the third, there were no tears. Now he asks all the time when he gets to go to Miss Stephanie's. He even got an award for good behavior a few weeks ago! I couldn't have been more proud if it was the Nobel Peace Prize!

So my pictures disappeared along with some other awesome ones I will probably be complaining about in a different post as well.

We went on his first fieldtrip to Cornbelly's pumpkin patch and it was so much fun!

But all in all, as excited and sad as it make me feel, my little man is growing up!

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